Hello, I'm Max, and since you're here, let me tell you a bit about myself, what I do, and what I've been up to.


In my childhood, I was eager to become a programmer. At the age of 15, I started exploring various coding languages and learning using Google, YouTube, and other online resources. Eventually, I found my niche in UI/UX.

At 18, I created my first business with my friend, It was StandART Web Studio, we were working on websites and we undertook some great projects, but after a year, we closed due to being a small and inexperienced team.

Then, at 19, I discovered the freelance platform PPH.me, this platform helped me to grow as an experienced UI/UX developer.
Using this platform I've had chance to work on great and interesting projects across Europe.
I continued working on this platform for several years. Beside remote projects, I also explored different countries.

Till I was 28, for about nine years, I dedicated myself to PPH.me, gaining valuable experience. After some time I reduced the time spending on this platform and Eventually, I shifted my focus to only a couple of British projects.
Now I still using PPH.me but only as a hobby.

Eventually I sticked with only 2 British projects as an UI/UX developer, because I don't want to stay without my favorite job.

Some of my favourite projects
Founder & CEO

Throughout this journey, I started and participated in various businesses. One notable success was Sakhelosno BAR, a well-known and successful nightclub in Tbilisi, which I opened with my friend in 2017.
Nowadays it's very famous in Tbilisi city.

In 2020 we also opened RIKEze, festival-type club in Rike Park, where we invited world class artists, however my undertaking faced challenges, including the closure of a RIKEze in 2021 due to the pandemic.
Closing this club was very heartbreaking for us and that's why the idea is still alive and we consider to reopen it in the closest future.

Amidst all this, I maintained an online business in the UK, WhichCottage.com, a cottage rental platform and I own 40% of it. I'm not the one who started this business but it is close to my primary focus - programming and I'm happy to dedicate my time to this project.

Take a look on my businesses, they are really cool.
Online Marketer

According that I've had chance to manage my different businesses, I was always thinking about marketing and sales. I've been hiring people from that industry, but I never was fully satisfied with their work.

I always had my interest in this field so I started attending webinars, reading books, and trying out strategies. I tried to use the best strategies in my businesses. I noticed that I was actually doing great and the strategies that I've learned was actually working so. At the beginning I hired only one beginner person who helped me, after some time I hired one more and afterwards I formed a highly effective marketing team that excels in marketing tasks.

My daily routine revolves around managing my projects and personal development. I continually seek ways to improve my projects and expand my businesses. The challenges are fast-paced, but I enjoy the growth of my businesses and myself professionally and personally.
That sums up my journey so far. I look forward to more exciting projects and personal growth. Thank you for your interest in me.